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Saving You Now, but Costing You Later

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Saving You Now, but Costing You Later

Buyer beware

Today’s fast-paced semiconductor manufacturing industry is dynamic, and competition is stronger than ever. To stay competitive, suppliers and manufacturers seek to reduce costs wherever possible. Be careful those cost saving initiatives do not lead to buying products that compromise safety and performance in semiconductor manufacturing.

Where you choose to buy your product matters

An unauthorized grey market has been identified where an unauthorized dealer is selling certain Entegris products. These products may be counterfeit, defective, used, or improper for use, which could lead to serious product failure. Please note that Entegris provides its warranties only to products purchased from an authorized Entegris dealer. If you purchase an Entegris product from an unauthorized dealer, such products will not be covered by any Entegris warranties or associated services and use of such products may pose a serious risk, including, safety issues, yield loss, and costly shutdowns.

Ensure optimal quality and performance

Ensure that you receive high-performance products that will not compromise the integrity of your processes by purchasing directly from Entegris or an authorized dealer or reseller. To find an authorized Entegris reseller near you, go to Entegris.com or contact us here.

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